GACC | Strengthen the quarantine of imported shrimp from Thailand

Food Safety News 2020-12-25
Since the issuance, the approval of import animal and plant quarantine of SYAQUA SIAM Co.,Ltd. (registration Number: TH8323160002) has been suspended. The customs will strengthen inspection and quarantine of shrimp imported from Thailand. During quarantine, every batch sampling was used to detect AHPND and IHHNV. This notice shall remain in effect until terminated.

        自本警示通报下发之日起,暂停受理泰国日夜快暹罗水产养殖有限公司(SYAQUA SIAM Co.,Ltd,注册编号:TH8323160002)输华种虾的进境动植物检疫审批。加强进口泰国种虾口岸查验和隔离检疫。隔离检疫期间,批批抽样检测急性肝胰腺坏死病(AHPND)和传染性皮下和造血器官坏死病(IHHNV)等。本警示通报在解除前持续有效。

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