The Macau Municipal Administration will inspect more than 2500 food samples in 2020, with a pass rate of 99%

Food Safety News 2021-02-01
Global Foodmate

In the fourth quarter of 2020, the Macao Municipal Administration took a total of 470 food samples from the local market for inspection, and the test results of all the samples showed no abnormalities. In summary, for the whole year of last year, the Urban Services Department took 2,575 food samples for testing, and the overall pass rate was over 99%.

In order to ensure the food safety of consumers, the Urban Services Department continues to assess the risks of marketed foods through the constant food monitoring mechanism, and formulates various types of food sampling plans based on the types and characteristics of food in the circulation market. The scope of sampling includes take-out shops, eating places, supermarkets, grocery stores, department stores and online stores in all districts of Macao, and sampling all kinds of ready-to-eat foods, beverages, grain and oil foods, snacks, etc. In the fourth quarter of 2020, the IAM took a total of 470 samples for chemical, microbiological and radiation level tests. The test results of all the samples showed no abnormalities.

In 2020, the Urban Services Department took a total of 2,575 food samples on the market. Four samples failed the test, and the overall pass rate was over 99%. The four unqualified samples include: a sample of spicy sesame charcoal grilled needlefish and a sample of organ squid detected the preservative sorbic acid content exceeding the standard; a bottled soda water sample detected the bromate content exceeding the standard; a cream packet Salmonella was detected in the sample. The Urban Services Department has immediately followed up on the above four unqualified samples and notified the food safety department of the food production source; asked the merchants involved to stop selling and destroy the problematic products, and assisted in tracing the source; also immediately issued a press release to announce the situation , To stop the spread of risks. The test results of the Hengchang Food Market in 2020 have been uploaded to the food safety information website and the food safety information mobile app. The public is welcome to log in to view the details.

The Urban Services Department reminds the industry that it is the responsibility to prevent and reduce food risks. It should purchase ingredients from reliable suppliers and keep records of purchases and sales so as to assist in tracing the source when necessary. When preparing food, it should be appropriate within a reasonable range according to the technological needs. Use food additives locally; if you have doubts about the hygiene and safety of food, you should not buy and sell them. The Urban Services Department will continue to supervise food hygiene, crack down on irregularities in food production and operation, and prevent and control food safety risks.

At the same time, citizens should go to reliable and hygienic stores to buy food; and especially urge consumers to be aware of potential risks when purchasing or purchasing overseas food online, and to learn more about product safety information, such as origin, expiry date, Preparation of ingredients, hygiene certificates, shipping conditions, receipts and after-sales contact information, etc. If you have doubts about the safety and sanitation of food, you should not buy and eat it. 

Please note: This article is translated based on Google web translation software, if there is an error, please contact us as soon as possible to correct.

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